Saturday, August 20, 2011

Soccer Pictures n Smiles

Soccer picturs this time around, such a different experience than T-ball. For sure. I'm thinking so far soccer might be Mateo's favorite. He gets excited about practice, and can't wait until he starts playing games. So today, he woke up excited and ready to take soccer pictures.
It was like a preschool reunion of sorts! All the soccer teams met around the same time (all the 5 year olds that is, girls and boys.) So we saw so many of his friends from preschool, looking so grown up!
Best part is, when it came time for the pictures, he flashed a big cheesy grin and smiled like the happy little boy he is!! Made for a happy mama and a nice picture~~
Ended it with fun times with fun friends, bouncing, wrestling and just having fun being boys and enjoying the beautiful day!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Marco and puzzles

Recently Marco has been interested in puzzles. He usually likes the Big Boy ones and Mateo helps him. He's actually getting pretty good.

But when he's solo he keeps himself pretty busy doing puzzles that match!
Can't believe how fast this little guy is growing up and learning so quickly~!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Kindergarten cuteness

Yesterday after picking Mateo up from school I asked him how his day was and what he did. Usually the first repsonse is always, PLAY and I dont "remember" what else. Obviously the most important part of his day. LOL.

Then usually as time goes on he starts "remembering" things they did at school .

Today, he was telling me about "personal space". That when you are standing on a flower or a polywog, that is your personal space. So I asked him what "personal space" is, and he proceeded to tell me it's when noone else is supposed to get close to you and get in your personal space. Hmmm might need to use this one at home~!!~

Saturday, August 6, 2011

A day at the lake!

Initially we were supposed to go camping for 5 days with some friends. Fast forward to Mateo and starting Kindergarten and we were not going to be able to go. At least not during the week cuz he would be in school (everyone else around here starts 2 weeks after us). Plan B had been to go up on Friday night until Sunday and still have some fun camping time. Then it turned out daddy wasn't going to be able to go, then Melissa had something come up and couldn't go, and then when I really started to think about it, I decided that it just might be too much for one little boy in one week.
I figured, a full week at school (the 1st week too), then a whole weekend away and right back to school. Figured it would be too much. So I adjusted a little. Instead of staying 3 days, I decided the boys and I would just go up for the day to visit our friends on Saturday. It was the best idea and we had a great time.
We left early in the morning. Made it there around 9:30. Hung out at the campsite and the kids decided that later in the day they were going to look for Bigfoot. Too cute. Until then tho we headed to the lake/beach. The kids played in the water, built sand castles and had a blast. Ended it all with a yummy ice-cream from the snack bar. Then back to the camp site to prep dinner ~ thanks Amanda for the yummy food!
The kids and I headed out, Marshmallows in their pockets, to find Bigfoot. You see, he likes marshmallows. Bet you didn't know that. Well, needless to say, he was nowhere to be found...probably deep in the forest somewhere.
So we finished the day with a yummy dinner, more playing and then we headed home. Boys were out quickly in the car. Made for a nice drive home for me.
We had promised Mateo that since we werent' camping there we could camp out in the back yard. So daddy had the tent all set up and we slept outside, in our tent, in our own little campground. It was super fun and the boys loved it.
And best part about it, you just step right inside for the bathroom and kitchen to make a yummy pancake breakfast. All in all, a super fun weekend.

A little kids heaven

My sweet little man ~ love this picture

My boys

Just "hanging" out

Mateo the photographer does a pretty darn good job!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Fun back to school stuff!

A little preservation of this time that will pass so fast!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Mateo's 1st day of Kindergarten!!!

Wow! Wow! and again Wow! Do I really have a Kindergartener? Yup, today was living proof. Woke up, got ready for school, left, parked, walked him up, dropped him off, and he literally walked away, happy, not sad and a Kindergartener!! Was away for the longest day, from 8-3:30...picked him up and he was still smiling, and talking, and wired. Where was the little boy we expected to be beat, tired and maybe not wanting to go back? Still looking for him.

If you know Mateo, you know he can be a moody little dude. And you can NEVER predict what his mood will be like when he wakes up. Add to that, a little boy who clung onto me for the 1st month of preschool as a 3 year old, and cried the 1st few days as a 4 year old. I have been tearing myself up, dreading about and thinking about this day, and hoping it would go well. We have talked up Kindergarten like you wouldn't believe. He has talked about wanting to go back to his old school and not go to a new school. He wanted to go where his friends would be. We talked about how fun it would be, how cool it was gonna be to make new friends, how he was going to learn how to read and could read books to Marco pretty soon. At his new school the kids gather with their class outside the gates in the morning and walk in as a class. Parents are NOT allowed to go in with them to ease the transition. I have been thinking about this for weeks. They warned us at back to school night, walk away quickly, it will make things easier...really...uugghh!

Now fast forward to today. Last night we took baths early, picked out clothes, prepared his backpack and lunch box, got ready for bed and struggled to get to sleep. Finally, he slept! This morning, I so wanted him to wake up in a good mood...and YES, he was happy, slept good, and ready. We got dressed and had breakfast. Breakfast of champions - Fruit loops and "white" donuts. Yum! (if you remember we had white donuts on his birthday too, definitely a special occasion food). Daddy even stayed home today for the big day. We got ready, left for school, parked, walked him up, (not once, ok maybe one time kinda he mentioned not wanting to go but I think he was more doing it to get my reaction) passed him off to his teacher, he found a friend to talk with, and daddy and I were history. He never looked back. (And just a little note for me to remember, as we passed the high schoolers walking in, that is what brought tears to my eyes first, fast forwarding to that Probably would have been in tears but wanted to spare him so he wouldn't want to turn back.

Fast forward to 3:30. Got to the school, lined up with our cards to pick him up. Saw him walk out of the gates with that look on his face to see if we were there but still smiling. Got to the front of the line, his teacher brought him up and said he had a great day. And he started talking and never stopped.

Went to dinner at Black Bear. Had chocolate chip pancakes again. Was surprisingly wired.

Then ended his full day with the 1st day of soccer practice, which he went to happily. Practiced, had fun. Got to play at the park for a little while and finally home. And still wired and not tired....WHAT?

After a bath and books...finally the little man passed out. Says he's ready to go back tomorrow...fingers crossed!!!

Breakfast of Champions!

1st school lunch

Still smiling (much to my relief!)

Not crying, just rubbed his eyes

Walked right up, my big little boy

The end of the day and still smiling!

Basically, Keep out~!

Little man's choice for dinner

1st day of soccer practice, they're so darn cute out there~!

Marco wanting to try on Mateo's shin guards

Mateo's 1st Kindergarten project ~ now proudly displayed in his room

Wheew! That was a long day