Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Potty Success!

Yay! We have hit a major milestone! No diapers in the house for over a week. And yesterday, Mateo went poop in the potty 2 times. He is doing such a good job. We stopped the diapers last week and went to Big Boy underwear with a pullup on top, or sometimes we just went with a bare butt. Except for 2 little accidents.. he always told us when he needed to go "pee in the potty". At night we put on a diaper for just in cases but he has woken up dry too for the past week. He goes pee when he wakes up in the morning like a champ. Last week we were out shopping, he kept telling me he had to go potty, (remember at home he always goes in his potty chair, not the toilet) so we tried one store. He didn't like it and changed his mind. Next store, same thing, went to the bathroom, which was kinda gross, he looked at it and said No. He didn't want to come home, then on to store #3. Again he wanted to go pee, we took one look, and turned around it was so gross. He told me he could hold it til we got home, we came home and woila.. the little man went in the potty!! Such a big boy! Well pooping has been harder.. he holds it til he can't hold it anymore.. says he has to poop, goes to the potty and refuses to go. End result...a poopy mess in his underwear thats uncomfortable. Well yesterday, he pooped 2 times in the "toilet". We are so proud of him and he gets so excited he has to show whoever is here. We are just glad to be done with diapers.. at least for the next few months that is! But the best part... We are ready for Preschool.. YAY~~~

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