Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Our little songbird!

Still today, almost 2 months later, poor little Mateo still says he doesn't want to go to school and he doesn't like school. Sometimes it sounds so sad I feel bad and wonder if I am doing the right thing by sending him. Well once we get there he lets go a little more easily, which is nice and when we pick him up he is excited to show his projects and tell all about his day. And he is so pooped he takes a great nap!

But how I "think" I know he is enjoying it and really getting something out of it -- (and let me say that when we were in mommy and me class, he didnt like the singing part and NEVER participated)--well sometimes now all he does is sings all day long. And I mean all day. Itsy Bitsy spider is his favorite, which he sings to his baby brother all the time!! But he has learned so many songs, some I have never heard, and some that bring back memories to when I was learning them. Too bad I don't know the words to some cause he loves it when I sing with him. It is so cute to watch him sing and use his hands like he has learned in school! It makes me feel a little better about sending him somewhere he seems to never want to go to!

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