Saturday, August 6, 2011

A day at the lake!

Initially we were supposed to go camping for 5 days with some friends. Fast forward to Mateo and starting Kindergarten and we were not going to be able to go. At least not during the week cuz he would be in school (everyone else around here starts 2 weeks after us). Plan B had been to go up on Friday night until Sunday and still have some fun camping time. Then it turned out daddy wasn't going to be able to go, then Melissa had something come up and couldn't go, and then when I really started to think about it, I decided that it just might be too much for one little boy in one week.
I figured, a full week at school (the 1st week too), then a whole weekend away and right back to school. Figured it would be too much. So I adjusted a little. Instead of staying 3 days, I decided the boys and I would just go up for the day to visit our friends on Saturday. It was the best idea and we had a great time.
We left early in the morning. Made it there around 9:30. Hung out at the campsite and the kids decided that later in the day they were going to look for Bigfoot. Too cute. Until then tho we headed to the lake/beach. The kids played in the water, built sand castles and had a blast. Ended it all with a yummy ice-cream from the snack bar. Then back to the camp site to prep dinner ~ thanks Amanda for the yummy food!
The kids and I headed out, Marshmallows in their pockets, to find Bigfoot. You see, he likes marshmallows. Bet you didn't know that. Well, needless to say, he was nowhere to be found...probably deep in the forest somewhere.
So we finished the day with a yummy dinner, more playing and then we headed home. Boys were out quickly in the car. Made for a nice drive home for me.
We had promised Mateo that since we werent' camping there we could camp out in the back yard. So daddy had the tent all set up and we slept outside, in our tent, in our own little campground. It was super fun and the boys loved it.
And best part about it, you just step right inside for the bathroom and kitchen to make a yummy pancake breakfast. All in all, a super fun weekend.

A little kids heaven

My sweet little man ~ love this picture

My boys

Just "hanging" out

Mateo the photographer does a pretty darn good job!

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