Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Some of my favorite things!

Ok so no pictures in this post...but just a place to write down and help me remember (chronicle) the sweeet/cute thing our baby boy does that brings such a big smile to our faces and hearts!

Just moments ago he climbed up next to me on a stool and sat in front of a candle.. automatically he started to sing his version of "happy birthday". "Happy to you", Happy to you"... and proceed to blow out the candle. We have not been to a party in about a month, and have not sung the song since...wow the brain of a 2 year old.

He wants to do everything with Mommy and Daddy. Everything we do he says, "Mommy too, Daddy too". Some of you may have heard me make the comment before that Mateo was meant to be the baby brother...with an older sibling to keep him constantly occupied. He is not a little one that likes to play on his own much, or stays occupied to too long on his own.. but I guess that could be a good thing too!

He is currently singing "ABC's ABC's " as we speak. He is trying to learn the words of "Itsy Bitsy spider" so far the part about the sun is what stands out most to him.
The Wheels on the bus is another favorite.

He pretty much knows what everything is called, talks in sentences (when did that happen?)....

Wants to do everything himself...A usual response.. "No, I do it, do self".

When he wants me to hold him he says "hold you mama, hold you".

Oh and cant forget, wants to help with everything.

Loves his Wednesday class with Miss Jenna,

Loves to play with "friends" and is working on trying to share. Everytime his friends leave he says.. "friends again mama, friends fun".

And he still calls me "mama".. which I dearly love.

He counts to ten all the time on his own...very cute!

He is still a whiz at puzzles, and his animals still follow us everywhere. His absolute favorite thing to do is drive by the "Hussies and the Pow's".. luckily we live near a bunch of them. Goats have been included in his fascination recently.

His vavorite cartoons are Caillou, Mickey Mouse and Zooboomafoo.

He repeats and does everything Jeff or I say or do. We have to be pretty careful and watch what we do and what comes out of our mouths.

Still a thumb sucker and can't keep his hand out of his pants.. two habits that are very hard to break.

Still is a picky eater...His foods of choice - cereal, waffles, pancakes, kids cliff bars, dinosaur peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, Mcdonalds nuggets, fruit, yogurt, oh and most important.. pastitsi nanna's pastitsi's ...hmmm pretty short list. I am sure some others are included but not many... we try everything over and over with no success.

Loves Maxine.. almost too much that we have to separate them sometimes.

There are so many other things to remember.. I will add to this list as I think of them.

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