Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A new way of blogging!

Ok, So I have decided. This blog needs a new look. Well not a new "look" really but a different kind of approach. Of course, it is and will be primarily dedicated to our family ( and tons of pictures) , but I want to include all kinds of other fun stuff too. Including all the crazy fun stuff our little guys do that definitely keep us on our toes, the things that make my mind swirl and crazy things that make me happy that probably only other moms who blog will understand. (I think that's why I haven't done it this way before, because it's mostly family and friends reading this and unfortunately, I have tried and tried and cannot get most of them to blog!).

All lot of my ideas will probably be taken from other fun blogs, but then that's what it's all about right? Sharing and passing it on. So here's to something I've been wanting to do for a long time. Let's just see how well I can do!

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