Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fear Factor, No Fear, What?

These boys are so darn funny!
Right now, Mateo's favorite thing to watch on TV ~ Fear Factor~! What? I was working one day last week, Jeff text me and told me "our son is addicted to Fear Factor". And now he can't get enough. Kinda cute, kinda freakish? But then again, Mateo plays to his own drum! I mean while most boys would rather be playing with Hot Wheels and Super Hero's (yes he does play with these things too), my guy is still into his Animals. They rule his world and I LOVE it!!
And Marco. He is nothing like Mateo was. He has no FEAR!! He will climb anything, I mean anything. If he sees a step stool, it's an invitation to climb. When I left the dining room chair pulled out, I found him on top of the table. Most of the time Mateo's little play tables are turned upside down. Yes he climbs to the top of the bunk, so now I have something to block him from going up more then two steps. (I think this is my payback from when Mateo was small and I made a comment about how he was too chicken to jump or on me!). And he LOVES the park and slides. I mean why not...its all about climbing. But the cutest thing right now. He climbs on a chair, or Mateo's bed. And when he tries to get down, he slides half way down and calls our for help. Just hanging there. And usually waiting for Mateo to come to the rescue. So darn cute. Hoping his limbs stay intact!!

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