Monday, June 6, 2011

Woo Hoo~ Our Summer Vacation officially begins~~

Today is day one of our "summer vacation" (not from school, but for our family). The original plan had been to go to Hawaii, but after a lot of thought and some sadness on my part, we are choosing to wait until next summer! Marco will actually be able to enjoy it more and better all around for all of us ~ so we went with another plan.
We have many "trips" planned this summer but this is our 1st. Our trip to San Diego (a former home and love for me) and Legoland. Mateo has been counting down the days.
Our ride down actually went pretty quickly, but Marco didn't enjoy it too much. And yes, notice the pup in the picture. I guess he's part of the family right??

This is how we roll on a road trip :-))

One of my all time fave places to eat!

Yum... fresh tortillas

Mateo had to have a picture of these balloons

What I call, Marco's "chillaxin" pose

I found these super cute chairs in the grocery store here buying snacks and Mateo was so happy

I'd say Mateo is "chillaxin" here too

Now off to tons of fun this week!! Who's more excited? the boys? or me??

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